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Yakult is a global brand known for its probiotic drink that has numerous health benefits. The company offers different variants of its probiotic drink in different parts of the world. In the UK, it is known as Yakult Ace Light, which contains Lactobacillus casei Shirota. In addition to its probiotic drink, Yakult also offers Yakult Light, which is a calorie-reduced variant of its original drink. However, another brand that is gaining popularity in the UK as a probiotic drink is Bio-Kult. Its flagship product, Bio-Kult Advanced, contains 14 strains of live bacteria. It aims to help people who have poor digestive health or a weak immune system.


The concept of "fire" in Chinese medicine

In Chinese medicine, "fire" is a term that describes an imbalance in the body's energy. When the body's energy becomes too hot or too yang, it causes symptoms that are similar to inflammation or fever. These symptoms include a red face, irritability, thirst, and dry mouth. While "fire" is not a recognized medical condition in the UK, its symptoms are seen in many people who suffer from poor digestion, food allergies, and autoimmune diseases. This is where probiotics like Yakult and Bio-Kult come into the picture.

How probiotics can help reduce "fire" symptoms

Probiotics are live bacteria that are found naturally in the gut. They help to maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the gut. When this balance is disrupted, it can lead to a variety of health problems, including inflammation. Research has shown that probiotics can help to reduce inflammation and improve gut health. Yakult and Bio-Kult are two examples of probiotic drinks that have been shown to be beneficial for digestive health. By consuming these drinks, people can help to balance their gut microbiome and reduce the symptoms of "fire" in the body.

Yakult Ace Light

Yakult Ace Light is the UK version of Yakult's probiotic drink. It contains Lactobacillus casei Shirota, which is a type of probiotic bacteria that is known for its health benefits. The drink is low in calories and contains no added sugar. It is also suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. Yakult Ace Light has been shown to help improve digestion, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation in the gut. Many people who consume Yakult Ace Light regularly report feeling more energized and less bloated.

Bio-Kult Advanced

Bio-Kult Advanced is a probiotic drink that contains 14 strains of live bacteria. It is designed to help people who have poor digestive health or a weak immune system. Bio-Kult Advanced has been clinically proven to improve gut health and reduce symptoms of inflammation. The drink also contains prebiotics, which are substances that help to feed the probiotic bacteria in the gut. This ensures that the probiotics remain active and effective in the gut. Bio-Kult Advanced is also suitable for people who are lactose intolerant, as it contains no dairy products.

The benefits of probiotics for overall health

In addition to reducing symptoms of "fire," probiotics like Yakult and Bio-Kult have numerous health benefits. They have been clinically proven to improve digestion, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Probiotics have also been shown to promote mental health and improve cognitive function. By consuming probiotics regularly, people can improve their overall health and well-being.


Probiotics are a powerful tool for improving health and reducing inflammation. Yakult and Bio-Kult are two brands of probiotic drinks that are gaining popularity in the UK. These drinks contain live bacteria that help to balance the gut microbiome and improve digestion. By consuming these drinks regularly, people can reduce the symptoms of "fire" in the body and improve their overall health and well-being.